Uusimmassa lokakuun Sailing Worldin 50-vuotisjuhlanumerossa on juttua parhaiten aikaa kestäneistä yksityyppiluokista. Lehden kansi kertonee johtopäätöksen. Fiveä kuvataan näin:
”The 505 isn’t a one-design class – it’s first class,” says two-time world champion Cam Lewis of this 16’6″ lightweight, high-performance ride. ”When you are sailing a 505, you know you’re high, you know you’re fast, you know you’re attached, on or in a really fascinating piece of man-made gear traveling across the surface of planet Earth. Sure, most of my 505 miles have been on the big blue, yet I have experienced plenty of airtime aboard, mostly attached by a trap wire, with 10 toes gripping the mountain bike tire glued to the gunwale.”
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