Puolan MM-2018 ilmoittautuminen avattu

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Ilmoittautuminen ensi kesän suurimpaan fivejuhlaan on nyt käynnissä. Hoida muodollisuudet kuntoon mahdollisimman pian, sillä osallistumismaksu nousee mitä kauemmin vitkuttelet! Ennakkospekulointien perusteella Suomen fliitissä tulee purjehtimaan ainakin kuusi venettä. Radalle mahtuu enemmänkin – puhalla pölyt jollapöksyistä ja hyppää kyytiin.

Tässä puolalaisten ystäviemme viesti:

Dear 505 sailors and friends, 
The Notice of Race  for the 5O5 World Championships 2018 taking place in Gdynia, Poland, from 18th to 27th July  2018 has been posted. You can reach the NoR and the Notice to Competitors 1 through the event website, in the Notice Board section..  
The registration system is also on! The on-line entry system is also available via regatta webpage.
Entry fees
Entry fees will be:
  • Early entry: 450 Euro – before or on Thursday 31st of May 2018
  • Mid entry: 500 Euro – before or on Saturday 30th of June 2018
  • Late entry: 600 Euro – on Sunday 1st of July 2018 and later
The entry fee for teams where both helm and crew are under 25 years of age (born 22 July 1992 or later) shall be discounted by 100 Euro.
Don’t wait and register today!!!
The schedule for the regatta is:
18-19 July: Measurement
20 July: Pre-Worlds Racing
21 July: Measurement
22-27 July: Worlds Racing
On shore activities
We plan several additional social events for the sailors during the regatta and the Lay Day. There will be also a lot of attractions for the families and friends. We plan daily sightseeing, leisure and shopping trips. For the lay day, there will be a guided tour to Gdansk,  a thousand-year-old city that never sleeps. The Pomorskie region offers variety of attractions:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhVk4tRJU_w
Important notice 
Due to the large regatta preceding the 505 Worlds, the marina will be closed for 505 boats till July, 17th, 2018 inclusive. This is not applicable to 505 boats that will come in containers. Organizers will provide safe storage for the boats that will come earlier at the Nauta Shipyard near the marina. There may be additional space for boats that come earlier in Sailing Clubs at the marina. If you would like to come earlier, please let us know by email or phone.
Gdynia offers multiple accommodation options. From cheap hostel to posh hotel, all of them located within a walking distance from the marina. Gdynia is really crowded during summer. Lots of sailing and non-sailing events take place in July. We recommend to book accommodation as soon as possible! White Wood Properties has become an official housing partner of the 505 Worlds 2018. For more information, please take a look at accommodation section on the regatta webpage. 
Marina in Gdynia is located in the heart of the city so there is no camping nearby ☹. However, we plan to prepare a special designated place for campers and vans within a walking distance from the marina.
Container Shipping
There are two container terminals near the regatta venue. The one in Gdynia is located ten-minute-drive from the marina and the second is in Gdańsk, around one-hour-drive.
Jakub Gąsiorowski has become our logistics coordinator. We kindly ask a representative for each container to be shipped to Gdynia to contact Jakub in order to start coordinating the details. If you are shipping your boat via container, please designate a lead and contact Jakub at jakub.gasiorowski@gmail.com
RiB charter 
All4sailing has become an official RIB supplier for 505 Worlds 2018. Please contact directly All4sailing if you need a RIB: contact@all4sailing.com
Some information on Poland 
Language: Polish
Country phone code: +48
Currency: Polish Zloty (PLN)
Rate (EUR/PLN) 1 EUR = 4.2 PLN 
You can pay by card almost everywhere, there are Currency Exchange offices near the marina.
Polish lesson 1 – basics 🙂
Hi Cześć 
Good morning, good afternoon Dzień dobry
Good evening Dobry wieczór
One beer please Jedno piwo proszę
Two, three,…,nine beers please Dwa, trzy,…, dziewięć piwa proszę
How are you? Jak się masz?
What is your name? Jak masz na imię?
You are beautiful Jesteś piękna
This is my friend To jest mój przyjaciel
What is your phone number? Jaki jest twój numer telefonu?
Good bye Do widzenia
Please follow the regatta webpage www.505worlds2018.com and our Facebook profile, where we put latest info about the regatta!
See you in Gdynia!

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