PM / LM – Kilpailut, Lahti

/, Kilpailukutsu/PM / LM – Kilpailut, Lahti


International 505 Nordic Championship

Sinfonia Regatta
10th – 12th of August 2001
Lahti, Finland

The Race
International 505 Nordic Championship will be held as part of Sinfonia Regatta (49er, E-dingy, Laser, Dragon, Shark) at the beautiful Vesijärvi-lake in Lahti Finland. The race is organized by Lahden Pursiseura (LPS). Lahti is located some 100 km from Helsinki with excellent access by a four-lane highway from Helsinki. There is also a boat show during the regatta, which gathered more than 20000 people last year.

The championship is at the same time the Finnish class championship and it is also open for non-Scandinavians.

We expect around 15 boats from Finland and hope to get as many as possible from Sweden and Denmark. The event has exceptional prices. The first price will be a computer or equivelant. And we are doing everything we can to make this event as inexpensive as possible for you.

There will be a total of nine races in three days of which best seven will be counted. Registration will take place at 9:00 on the 10th and skippers meeting at 10:00. The first start in each day will take place at 11:00.

Please send your binding registrations to by the 15th of July, 2001 including the following information:

1. Name and contact information of the skipper and his / her yachting club
2. Name of the crew
3. Boat number

We have decided to sponsor our Nordic friends who are willing to participate in the event and pay the registration fee of EURO 85 / boat from the association funds.

Finnish participants will register according to the instructions of ”kilpailukutsu”.


We have arranged accomodation at Steiner school in Lahti. For FIM 75 / night you get a mattress and breakfast. We have decided to take this accomodation also ourselves to be able to stay together and have fun in the evenings.

Travel to Lahti
We have negotiated with Viking Line a special deal, which includes:
1. No charge for a ticket (a savings of FIM 480 / person or FIM 960 / boat)
2. Cabins are normal price, one way FIM 384 / person if two in the cabin and FIM 192 if four in the cabin
3. Car + trailer off-season price of FIM 1080 one way (savings of FIM 470 / boat)

So total calculation is the follwing:
  2 in a cabin 4 in a cabin
Cabin 1536 1536
Car and trailer 2160 4320
Total 3696 5856
Per person 1848 1464

NOTE: all bookings must be done through Nina Kuntsi at Viking Line (

We hope that everyone of you would consider participating in the event. We have done all we can to make this economically reasonable for you (total savings FIM 1940 / boat). Now it is up to you to make it the biggest event for 505 in the Nordic countries this year.

Please let us know us as soon as possible about your interest. Send your registration to or send by fax to +358-9-726 83 771.

Best regards,

The Finnish 505 Association

Arno Parviainen

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